Frequently Asked Questions

Hello Everyone, and thank you for checking out the Frequently Asked Questions page.  The topic of deliverance has often been misunderstood or ignored in the church, but for Jesus and His followers it was completely normal to cast out demons.  The fundamental creation and intent of this website is to let you know we will pray deliverance for you.  Although we are going to answer some very general questions regarding the process, the overall mindset of this site has been written with the belief you have already done your homework, and are here for the purpose of connecting with believers to cast evil spirits out of you.  We know this is not an exhaustive list of FAQs, and we may have overlooked some basic information needed to help you feel comfortable.  By all means, please contact us and ask any remaining questions you may have at

I am really being tormented and I feel like hurting myself or others. Do you have any type of emergency help right now?

We do understand sometimes being tormented can be overwhelming and almost beyond what we can bare.  Unfortunately, we are not equipped to handle emergency situations.  If you cannot wait to go through the scheduling process, and are in an immediate critical emergency crisis, please pray this prayer and seek these resources below. 

“Dear Heavenly Father, according to Your Word in Matthew 18:18, I bind all demonic activity in and around me now, and ask You to loose mighty warring angels to fight on my behalf.  I also ask you to loose Your ministering spirits to help me now.  Father, I’m going to be still and rest in You this very moment, and if I decide to reach out to one of these services right now, I ask You to please lead, guide and direct me to the exact person You want me to speak with, in the Mighty name of Jesus.  Amen”.

In general, these hotlines have three things in common:

  1. They are available to call 24/7 in the USA.

  2. They are 100% confidential.

  3. They are free.

How much do you charge for deliverance?

Fellowship and deliverance prayer is free.  We do not ask for donations, honorariums, love offerings, tithes, first fruits, alms or seed money.  Matthew 10:8 states freely you have received; freely give.

I do believe I could use some help with anxiety, depression, demonic torment, etc. I filled out the form and/or sent an email to you asking to schedule an appointment.  What can I expect will happen next?

Your information will be received by a human being and prayed over within 12-48 hours if not sooner.  At this time one of our team members will contact you via telephone, email, WhatsApp, or Zoom.  We will talk about what is going on with your situation, and setup a time that makes sense for all of us to get together online for multiple hours.

When do you typically schedule prayer sessions?

Most fellowship and prayer is done weeknights EST or weekend days; however, we have team members across the world in many time zones and we’ll be able to accommodate various meeting times.

How do we even get demons in the first place?

Generally speaking, there are sets of rules God put forth in the spiritual realm. When these rules are broken through varying types of sin, doors are opened up to the enemy. We essentially, hand over to them legal right to inflict torment upon us. Exodus 20:5 informs us we may also be paying for the sins of our ancestors.

Do all of my problems come from demons?

No and yes. We have a free will and we should take responsibility for our decisions. The evil spirits can put tremendous pressure to drive us from within to sin. Deliverance can relieve some of the pressure, thus enabling us to feel stronger in choosing to follow the Lord and do what is right before Him. In rarer times in the believer’s life (like the Gadarene Demoniac in Mark 5 and Luke 8) there can be advanced cases where the evil spirits’ control reaches such a turning point the person can appear insane and cause him/her to lose all sense of decency, and self-control in the presence of others. The end result can be powerlessness against resisting enemy strongholds because there is lack of understanding. The enemy can hide behind this lack of knowledge, and make it extremely difficult to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

What are some examples of demonic strongholds?

An example of a stronghold is when a person takes all reasonable Biblical actions to achieve success in an area of their life, but is unable to stand firm in that area. Some examples include addiction, anxiety, fear, depression and considerably more.

How does a person prepare for deliverance?

Derek Prince has been quoted as saying “deliverance is for the desperate”. Seek the Lord in prayer and ask Him to reveal things to you. Please do your homework prior to meeting. Write down strongholds known in your family history, your life and any doors that have been opened. Clean your house of any obvious cursed objects that may have spirits attached. Continually seek the Lord during this interim time and fast if possible.

I want to be as helpful as possible during the prayer sessions, what can I do during our time together?

Try your best to schedule this time with as little potential interference as possible. Have electronic devices (smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc.) charged and ready. Please do not withhold any secrets as this can block deliverance. Receive the prayer during the session, come into agreement with it in your mind, and do not pray along or aloud.

Are there any factors that can interfere with the progress of my deliverance?

The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the demonic kingdom both know how serious, or not serious you are about this. They also know about any purposefully hidden sin.

Do you pray for physical healing too?

Yes, we command healing to the sick just like Jesus did to Simon’s mother-in-law in Luke 4:39.

Will you follow up with me after deliverance?

Yes, we will provide you all information necessary to learn how to keep the ground gained and walk in victory. There are many options for online fellowship throughout the week, and we will encourage you to attend Bible study and pray for others.