About Us

Deliverance International is a fellowship of believers that gathers together to help our community address spiritual needs in their lives. We provide Biblical Foundational Christian counseling and deliverance ministry services. Most of our prayer sessions are conducted all across the world via the Internet.

The Deliverance International team is a dynamic group of believers that will pool together its human resources to closely match your situation with brothers and sisters who have had similar experiences. In a team setting you may be receiving prayer from a newer believer who recently escaped bondage, or someone who has over 30 years deliverance experience, and everyone in between.

God the Father anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil. Our goal is to help the body of Christ by driving out demons and healing the sick. We have been called by God not only to set the captives free, but to then turn around and equip His army to do the same so they can participate in the Great Commission. We love mentoring and will encourage you to learn and grow activating your faith as you minister to yourself and others.